Archive for February, 2012

So, for this discussion, the way I’m defining a conspiracy theory is thus: a con…

So, for this discussion, the way I’m defining a conspiracy theory is thus: a conspiracy theory is a theory based in supposition, one that flies in the face of evidence or science, often one that claims its correctness can be shown by the paucity of evi…

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#OccupyBristol has ended. First time in months I haven’t seen them on Collage Green. Viva la revolucion

#OccupyBristol has ended. First time in months I haven’t seen them on Collage Green. Viva la revolucion

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#OccupyBristol has ended. First time in months I haven’t seen them on Collage Green. Viva la revolucion

#OccupyBristol has ended. First time in months I haven’t seen them on Collage Green. Viva la revolucion

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Occupy Bristol’s Facebook Wall 2012-02-04 21:49:09

The Tavistock Institutewww.tavinstitute.orgOur staff work creatively with people involved in innovative activities, working across boundaries or in difficult situations. We combine research and analytical skills with practical help in devising solution…

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Occupy Bristol’s Facebook Wall 2012-02-04 21:49:09

The Tavistock Institutewww.tavinstitute.orgOur staff work creatively with people involved in innovative activities, working across boundaries or in difficult situations. We combine research and analytical skills with practical help in devising solution…

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Occupy Bristol’s Facebook Wall 2012-02-04 21:25:19

“MONSANTO GO AWAY” Anthem – Performed by HUMAN – Occupy part of a week of action against Monsanto, musician HUMAN joins Occupy Maui in solidarity to sing their new anthem. Shot by Ian MacKenzie. Help support th…

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Occupy Bristol’s Facebook Wall 2012-02-04 21:25:19

“MONSANTO GO AWAY” Anthem – Performed by HUMAN – Occupy part of a week of action against Monsanto, musician HUMAN joins Occupy Maui in solidarity to sing their new anthem. Shot by Ian MacKenzie. Help support th…

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