The sentiment of campers is that the best course of action is to try and resist…

The sentiment of campers is that the best course of action is to try and resist the unlawful eviction of College Green. The peaceful lawful protesters who are the campers came together as Occupy Bristol to show solidarity with the global Occupy movement. We seek to highlight how global elites control us through economic, political, military, scientific and educational means that lead to a continuity of agenda for their interests. A cartel of people ensure that their global power is undisturbed. We wished to show how and why the elites do these things. An example of this is the Rockefeller Foundations funding of the Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. Also Occupy Bristol is seeking to provide solutions to major issues that we all face. There are several projects being run with these aims.

The decision to stay and fight has many facets. A few reasons for staying on the Green that where given by campers are as follows;

Media attention and manipulation
Enpowering others
Not wanting to let down supporters
Wish for real change
Full recognition by the council and church of they problems face
A feeling that spring will bring more people to college green
Useful tool to show unlawfulness of summary courts
Lawful rebellion is a duty
Confronts church and state on issues that have yet to be fully recognised let alone addressed
Good location to interact with people
People have been learning valuable skills on College Green

There are many young people with lots to contribute that are kept on the margins of society, and that apparently, is where the Church and the Council would like to keep them. The imagination, determination and initiative that has fuelled the building of the camp, however ugly to passers by is a beauty in the eyes of the young people that built it whom have not been offered the opportunity of learning such skills through the education system. The encouragement and knowledge offered to them in the camp’s community gave them the confidence and skills to build homes for themselves. And now you ask them to knock them down. Some of these kids have never had a proper home. By enforcing eviction the church and the council are proving that those with the power to help would rather use it to condemn. Instead of recognising the ingenuity of the “hopeless” (their words) who make up the camp community they have stomped all over it.

This entry was posted on Monday, January 16th, 2012 at 13:13 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.