At last night’s General Assembly a proposal for how to organise the camp from th…
At last night’s General Assembly a proposal for how to organise the camp from the Process Group was agreed.
General Assemblies will now be Mon-Sat at 7pm and the format of them will be:
1. Brief reports from working groups on their recent activity
2. Proposals from working groups and discussion on these in order to come to a decision on them, including how they will be implemented.
3. Additional agenda items – these can be added by anyone but items that fall under one of the working groups will be deferred to those groups.
At the meeting there was also a discussion on Security, Welfare and Inappropriate behaviour and there will be a meeting at 4pm today to come up with a system to deal with inappropriate behaviour both from external people and those living at the camp in a unified way. They will then bring a proposal on this back to tonight’s General Assembly.