Archive for November 22nd, 2011

Pissed off with banks? Hit ’em where it hurts. #moveyourmoney #occupybristol

Pissed off with banks? Hit ’em where it hurts. #moveyourmoney #occupybristol

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Full council meeting discussing #occupybristol today, apparently. Which gives the lie to ‘there are other ways to make the point’. #occupy

Full council meeting discussing #occupybristol today, apparently. Which gives the lie to ‘there are other ways to make the point’. #occupy

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This is one of the best films I’ve come across which exposes the naked reality o…

This is one of the best films I’ve come across which exposes the naked reality of financial capital and how we’ve all been screwed by both it and our Governments The men who crashed the world – Meltdown – Al Jazeera

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This is one of the best films I’ve come across which exposes the naked reality o…

This is one of the best films I’ve come across which exposes the naked reality of financial capital and how we’ve all been screwed by both it and our Governments The men who crashed the world – Meltdown – Al Jazeera

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I would strongly advise every one to watch this film and share it with all your…

I would strongly advise every one to watch this film and share it with all your contacts. This is how and why we were ripped off. It will also explain why the British government is doing a hatchet job on our public services and why we have mass unemplo…

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I would strongly advise every one to watch this film and share it with all your…

I would strongly advise every one to watch this film and share it with all your contacts. This is how and why we were ripped off. It will also explain why the British government is doing a hatchet job on our public services and why we have mass unemplo…

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MT #OccupyCardiff: Day 4 in the Occupy Cardiff Camp, bring yr friends & family lets get the wrd out pls #occupyuk #occupylsx #occupybristol

MT #OccupyCardiff: Day 4 in the Occupy Cardiff Camp, bring yr friends & family lets get the wrd out pls #occupyuk #occupylsx #occupybristol

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RT @locutusof_b:Welcome 2 OccupyBirmingham! #occupylsx #occupybristol #occupymcr #occupyglasgow #occupybrighton #occupy

RT @locutusof_b:Welcome 2 OccupyBirmingham! #occupylsx #occupybristol #occupymcr #occupyglasgow #occupybrighton #occupy

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RT @occupybristoluk: A view from an occupier #7: “My name is Henry. I am 18 years old. I am a university student in Wales…. #occupybristol

RT @occupybristoluk: A view from an occupier #7: “My name is Henry. I am 18 years old. I am a university student in Wales…. #occupybristol

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Banking an ethical career choice #occupymcr #occupyglasgow #occupylsx #occupybrighton #uknews #occupybristol

Banking an ethical career choice #occupymcr #occupyglasgow #occupylsx #occupybrighton #uknews #occupybristol

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