Archive for November 5th, 2011

Welcome @TheNatFantastic to the list of #OccupyBristol and #occupylondon people who block one for making fair points about banking #fail

Welcome @TheNatFantastic to the list of #OccupyBristol and #occupylondon people who block one for making fair points about banking #fail

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For my feminist sisters to be less suspicious & more engaged with #occupybristol. *sigh* #feministwishlist

For my feminist sisters to be less suspicious & more engaged with #occupybristol. *sigh* #feministwishlist

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For people’s eyes at #occupybristol to not glaze over as soon as the F-Word comes up #feministwishlist

For people’s eyes at #occupybristol to not glaze over as soon as the F-Word comes up #feministwishlist

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RT @ayiasophia: Sorry for the inconvenience, we are trying to change the world… #occupybristol

RT @ayiasophia: Sorry for the inconvenience, we are trying to change the world… #occupybristol

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[_Scintillans_ (Joshua Hackett)] Appear to have stumbled upon #occupybristol…

[_Scintillans_ (Joshua Hackett)] Appear to have stumbled upon #occupybristol…

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Sorry for the inconvenience, we are trying to change the world… #occupybristol

Sorry for the inconvenience, we are trying to change the world… #occupybristol

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Appear to have stumbled upon #occupybristol…

Appear to have stumbled upon #occupybristol…

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RT @Inca_000: we are the 99% #occupylfs #occupyglasgow #occupylsx #occupybristol #occupybrighton #occupyedinburgh #occupymcr

RT @Inca_000: we are the 99% #occupylfs #occupyglasgow #occupylsx #occupybristol #occupybrighton #occupyedinburgh #occupymcr

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RT @Inca_000: we are the 99% #occupylfs #occupyglasgow #occupylsx #occupybristol #occupybrighton #occupyedinburgh #occupymcr

RT @Inca_000: we are the 99% #occupylfs #occupyglasgow #occupylsx #occupybristol #occupybrighton #occupyedinburgh #occupymcr

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RT @occupybristoluk: A view from an occupier: My name is Nima. I am 30 years old. I am a mental health support worker. I… #occupybristol

RT @occupybristoluk: A view from an occupier: My name is Nima. I am 30 years old. I am a mental health support worker. I… #occupybristol

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