Archive for November 4th, 2011 The Verdict | Robin Hood Taxrobinhoodtax.orgRobin Hood Tax

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The Guardian are making a documentary about #occupybristol and will be there monday from about 9.30am…get there if you can

The Guardian are making a documentary about #occupybristol and will be there monday from about 9.30am…get there if you can

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Headline on the front of the Evening Post tonight "Jesus would join the protest." #occupybristol

Headline on the front of the Evening Post tonight “Jesus would join the protest.” #occupybristol

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#occupybristol are staging an event ‘the punch and judy revolution’ 5th nov, 8-12. Sounds like it’ll be fun

#occupybristol are staging an event ‘the punch and judy revolution’ 5th nov, 8-12. Sounds like it’ll be fun

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popped into #occupybristol today, lousy weather but spirits high there. Grown since last time I visited as well

popped into #occupybristol today, lousy weather but spirits high there. Grown since last time I visited as well

Continue reading » Comments Off on popped into #occupybristol today, lousy weather but spirits high there. Grown since last time I visited as well urges end to St Paul’s Secretary Theresa May says the protesters camped outside St Paul’s Cathedral should leave to protect the image of the site for visitors to the UK.

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If #occupybristol is repeating the May 1968 protests in France does this mean we’re becoming cool and chic?

If #occupybristol is repeating the May 1968 protests in France does this mean we’re becoming cool and chic?

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RT @occupybristoluk: #OccupyBristol Statement about Remembrance Sunday. No one has an issue with us being there.

RT @occupybristoluk: #OccupyBristol Statement about Remembrance Sunday. No one has an issue with us being there.

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If anyone has any pieces of carpet they can bring us to cover our pallet walkway…

If anyone has any pieces of carpet they can bring us to cover our pallet walkways that would be really helpful. If you can bring them for tonight that would be even better. Also we could do with some more food, and fire wood. Thanks to everyone for t…

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