Archive for November 4th, 2011

#occupybristol punch and judy show is 8-12 not 5-12 as i posted earlier

#occupybristol punch and judy show is 8-12 not 5-12 as i posted earlier

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RT @Inca_000: RT @alessandrobell: "sorry for the inconvenience, we’re trying to change the world" #Occupy #occupybristol #occupylsx #occupyglasgow

RT @Inca_000: RT @alessandrobell: “sorry for the inconvenience, we’re trying to change the world” #Occupy #occupybristol #occupylsx #occupyglasgow

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Occupy Bristol’s Facebook Wall 2011-11-04 19:08:21

RBS bank profits rebound to £ Bank of Scotland reports pre-tax profits of £2bn in the three months to 30 September, rebounding from £1.6bn loss a year ago.

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Occupy Bristol’s Facebook Wall 2011-11-04 19:08:21

RBS bank profits rebound to £ Bank of Scotland reports pre-tax profits of £2bn in the three months to 30 September, rebounding from £1.6bn loss a year ago.

Continue reading » Comments Off on Occupy Bristol’s Facebook Wall 2011-11-04 19:08:21

RT @occupybristoluk: #OccupyBristol Statement about Remembrance Sunday. No one has an issue with us being there.

RT @occupybristoluk: #OccupyBristol Statement about Remembrance Sunday. No one has an issue with us being there.

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RT @occupybristoluk: #OccupyBristol Statement about Remembrance Sunday. No one has an issue with us being there.

RT @occupybristoluk: #OccupyBristol Statement about Remembrance Sunday. No one has an issue with us being there.

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Revolutionary Punch and Judy show down on site tonight 8pm – 12:00 all welcome

Revolutionary Punch and Judy show down on site tonight 8pm – 12:00 all welcome

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Revolutionary Punch and Judy show down on site tonight 8pm – 12:00 all welcome

Revolutionary Punch and Judy show down on site tonight 8pm – 12:00 all welcome

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RT @occupybristoluk: #OccupyBristol Statement about Remembrance Sunday. No one has an issue with us being there.

RT @occupybristoluk: #OccupyBristol Statement about Remembrance Sunday. No one has an issue with us being there.

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