Occupy Bristol – A Possible Way Forward Although I don’t speak for the camp or…

Occupy Bristol – A Possible Way Forward

Although I don’t speak for the camp or the 1000’s of supporters Occupy Bristol has generated, November 30th will be a day of mass action across Bristol, with over 10,000 people expected to take part. If 10,000 people or even half of that chose to engage in legal civil disobedience, I’m sure we could make it a day Cameron, Clegg and their cronies on the council wouldn’t forget in a hurry.

Point 1. It would only take several hundred of us to Occupy the Council offices and engage in a peaceful sit in. A silent peaceful sit in is not an illegal act, the council building is our building.

Point 2. It would only take a little under 2000 people to close off the city centre roads, whilst engaged in a silent peaceful sit in.

Point 3. It would only take several flash mobs of 50 people or more to peacefully shut down all the banks in Bristol City Centre.

Point 4. Cabbot Circus could be shut down easily and peacefully.

Point 5. Its easy to shut down Vodaphone stores as we’ve done it before.

Point 6. With 1000 people we could set up multiple camps city wide.

Point 7. If we could get the truckers to block the National Oil refineries again, that would be interesting.

Point 8. Several hundred cyclists could slow things down a bit.

Point 9. All it would take is a 7 day general strike to bring down Cameron and Clegg.

Point 10. Just some suggestions, think about it. :O)

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